Come and celebrate Fasching!

Fasching, Fastnacht, Fasnet, Karneval–the names differ in the various regions of Germany, but they all mean the same thing: the “foolish” late-winter days, dedicated to merry-making and fun. Dress up in your costumes and join us for this children’s celebration of dance, music, games and art-projects conducted in German.February 4, Read more…


Saint Martin’s Day Celebration Sunday, November 13 @ 6 p.m. at Jackson Playground Suggested donation: $8 adults, $4 children, $20 family (up to 2 adults) Join us for a century-old German tradition of songs and brightly-colored lanterns in remembrance of Saint Martin. We’ll meet at the Jackson Playground Clubhouse (1501 Read more…

Early Registration Discount

We hope that you and/or your children will return after the summer break! School is scheduled to start on September 10th. Attached please find our updated registration form for 2016-17. We have a added a Code of Conduct page for all students/parents to acknowledge. Please complete and print out the Read more…

Graduation Party

Dear Parents and Friends; Please join us for our annual Graduation Party on Saturday, MAY 14, 2016 from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 pm at Mercy High School’s Theater We are looking forward to watching our students recite poems, perform skits and sing songs. It is always the highlight of the Read more…