Schneewochende January 6th – 8th

Once again we invite all families and friends of the German schools in the Bay Area for our annual snow weekend excursion to Heidelmann Lodge in Lake Tahoe near Sugar Bowl. Together, children can discover the snow, go sledding on the nearby slopes, cross country ski, snowshoe or hike.   Families will arrive Friday evening.  Saturday morning we have breakfast together and then you are free to plan your day any way you see fit.  In recent years, dinner has Read more…

Fasching Photos!

Follow this link to view the photos from the 2011 Fasching at St Martin’s Lutheran Church in San Francisco. Fasching, Fastnacht, Fasnet, Karneval–the names differ in the various regions of Germany, but they all mean the same thing: the “foolish” late-winter days, dedicated to merry-making and fun. Carnival is celebrated Read more…


All students are invited to dress up in their costumes and to join us for this children’s celebration of dance, music, games and art-projects conducted in German. Parents, please drop your child/ren off at the above location. Mercy will be closed on this day, February 5. The German School is providing a brunch Read more…


On Saturday December 18th we celebrated Advent in Rist Hall at Mercy High School. Each class performed skits and holiday songs, we shared a pot luck of traditional and not so traditional german foods and of course St Nikolaus arrived and distributed presents!