Updated December 2024

For getting the correct and most up-to-date information for studying in Germany, we strongly encourage you to use this website, a new startup from Germany, called My German University (MyGU): 


They presented two webinars to our schools in the Bay Area that were simply excellent. Their service is free for students. It is sponsored by a German government grant and by universities who want to have a more elaborate entry than the basic one the company provides for free.

US Webinar resources by MyGU [PDF]

And here is a very informative video of the MyGU presentation which they held via zoom in January of 2021, especially prepared for the German Language schools in the Bay Area. Jasmine Held-Hernandez collaborated with the German School of San Francisco to tailor her webinar to our students. She clearly explains many aspects of how to prepare yourself to study in Germany.

Additionally, here is a second list submitted by the German representative of the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad.

I added the website below and I would encourage you to start with this site (you can select your language).


Here is an overview of German language examinations, presented by the University of Munich. You can switch to English. In the German version, you can scroll down to the very bottom and find a very useful overview of a multitude of ways to take an examination to proof your German proficiency. There are tests by the German universities -DSH, by the Goethe Institut, by the TestDaF centers, and of course, the DSD examinations that the German schools abroad offer.


More sites for studying in Germany:

DAAD-Link, der die Anerkennung ausländischer Schulabschlüsse erläutert (SAT-Punkte, APs etc.):


Here is an official German link “Informationsportal zur Anerkennung ausländischer Bildungsabschlüsse”


The Study Bridge Program offers students a way to study in Germany immediately after High School. Please see the attached information.

Link zum dualen Studium in Deutschland. Man erhält während des Studiums bereits ein Gehalt des Arbeitgebers, das ein relativ bequemes Studentenleben ermöglicht:


Informationen zu einer Tätigkeit beim Auswärtigen Amt (gehobener Dienst), direkt nach dem Abitur (gehobener Dienst):


Hier gibt es Informationen zu zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengängen wie Medizin, Psychologie etc. (früher ZVS):


Allgemeine Informationen zum Studium in Deutschland findet man unter:


Here you’ll find more information on German tests that are accepted by German universities:


The following website can be accessed in German or English. It has the most comprehensive overview for studying in Germany. https://www.hochschulkompass.de/home.html

General information of studying in Germany can be found here:


This database has the biggest overview of German university programs in English. They are adding more programs in German. The usage of the website is for free! https://www.mygermanuniversity.com/